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Pastor: Rev. Sarah Daniels Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Call On Jesus - Virtual Choir - Nicol Mullen


Prelude  Prayer -- Harold Stark


Call to Worship

Opening Hymn #617 vs. 1-3 "I Come With Joy"

Blessing of the Offering

Children's Sermon

Music Ministry  Call on Jesus  - Virtual Choir - Nicol Mullen

Scripture Mark 1:16-20

Sermon "Called Away"

Hymn   #617 vs. 4 & 5 "I Come With Joy"

Sacrament of Holy Communion

Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Action Steps

Closing Hymn #2172 "We Are Called"


Postlude Cortege -- Gordon Young


The flowers on the altar today were given in loving memory of Professor Ernst C. Helmreich
by Jonathan and Nancy Helmreich.