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Pastor: Rev. Kendra Balliet
Organist: Jim Ross
Offertory: Chanson Modale-Guy Lacour performed by Clark Barnes on saxophone

Prelude - Let Us Break Bread Together - Roy L. Belfield (Jim Ross, organ)
                Canzone - Samuel Barber (Clark Barnes, flute)

*Call to Worship 
Leader: Followers of Christ, God calls us just as we are to live as truth-tellers and gospel-bringers in the world.
People: God, we know you call us, and still, we ask, “Who am I that you would call me?”
Leader: Like Moses standing before the burning bush convinced of his unworthiness to lead your people out of bondage, we ask,
People: “Who am I that you would call me?”
Leader: Like Peter who thought he got it right only to realize that who Jesus is doesn’t meet his expectations of who a Savior should be, we ask,
People: “Who am I that you would call me?”
Leader: As we raise this question to God today, we open our hearts to receive God’s answer:
People: You are my beloved children. You are my disciples. You are my people called to share the love of God for the transformation of the world. Amen.

 *Opening Hymn "Holy Ground" #2272
*Unison Prayer
Lord of all power and might, the author and giver of all good things: Graft in our hearts the love of your Name; increase in us true religion; nourish us with all goodness; and bring forth in us the fruit of good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

 Affirmation of Faith – Apostles’ Creed #881
Gloria Patri #70
Children's Chat
 Music Ministry and Offertory - Chanson Modale-Guy Lacour (Clark Barnes, saxophone)
Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude
 Scripture Exodus 3:1-15
 Sermon “Who Am I?”

Hymn "Be Thou My Vision" #451

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer
Communion The Great Thanksgiving #13
 Closing Hymn "Here I Am, Lord" #593
Action Steps & Benediction
 Postlude - Variations on "All is Well" - Franklin Ashdown

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Professor Ernst C. Helmreich by Jonathan and Nancy Helmreich.

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