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Pastor: Rev. Kendra Balliet
Organist: Jim
"Wondrous Love”- Arr. Dale Wood



Prelude - “My Heart Ever Faithful”-J. S. Bach and “Andante”- Felix Mandelsson
Welcome & Announcements

*Call to Worship
Leader: Pilgrims on the way, when we feel lost and ask for a sign to show us the way out of our confusion,
People: We remember that when we gather to worship, we find God in our midst.
Leader: When we face obstacles and barriers that keep us from the life God has called us to,
People: We remember that God is always at work among us, protecting and tending our well-being.
Leader: When cannot find our way out of conflict and discord,
People: We remember that God calls and equips us for the work of reconciliation.
Leader: When we struggle to pay attention to how God is at work all around us,
People: We remember God’s call to sit, eat, and tell one another the stories of God’s faithfulness.
Leader: Pilgrims on the way, when we watch for signs of God among us,
People: Let us remember that we too are signs of God’s presence for others! Amen.

*Opening Hymn " O God, Our Help in Ages Past" #117

*Unison Prayer
Leader: When we pray for the church and the world, we lock into the loving things God wants for humanity.
Let us pray.
All: Loving God, Friend of the neglected and the despised folk, Friend also of the cherished and honored ones, we offer to you our prayers for this world for which Christ gave his all.  

We pray for the overthrow of the arrogant and cruel, and for discontent in the souls of the greedy and the careless. We are grateful for the souls who come to our aid.
We pray for the uplifting of the meek and merciful, and for the encouragement of the poor and the pure.
We pray for the recovery of the bruised and the lost, and the peace of those who thirst for righteousness.

We pray for the feeding of the hungry in body or spirit, and for the healing of those who are dis-eased in body or mind.
We pray for the comfort of the suffering and the grieving, and for the befriending of the lonely, timid, or socially awkward people.
We pray for the humbling of the church if it becomes proud, and for courage wherever it is shunned or persecuted.
We pray for the strong and the weak in this congregation, and for the spiritual health of all other churches in the community.
You, Holy Friend, are more eager to give than we are to receive. Deal firmly with your servants gathered here now, that we get rid of everything that clutters our souls and make way for all the new blessings you have in store for us. Through Christ Jesus our Lord.  Amen!

Affirmation of Faith – United Methodist Social Affirmation #886

Gloria Patri #70

Children's Chat

Honoring Grandparents & First Responders
Music Ministry and Offertory

Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude 

Scripture Exodus 12:1-14 

Sermon “Here Is Your Sign” 


Hymn " He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought" #128

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer 

Closing Hymn "There Is Power in the Blood" (Insert)

Action Steps & Benediction 

Postlude - “An Early American March”-Arr. Jon Spong

The flowers on the altar today are given by Joyce Minnis and family to the glory of God and in honor of all volunteer firemen past and present including her father Jerry Yoest and grandson Luca DiRienzo.

Thank you for sharing in this worship service. Please continue to stay in touch through our website and/or by following us on Facebook. If you have joys or concerns that you would like lifted up in prayer, please fill out the Prayer Card on our website, call the church office and leave a message at 814-724-6736, or email