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Pastor: Rev. Sarah Daniels Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry:  Jim Ross, Piano



Prelude  "Andante in D" - F. Mendelssohn


Call to Worship - Thank God for Teachers

Opening Hymn #191 "Jesus Loves Me"

Blessing of the Offering

Children's Sermon

Music Ministry  Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone  - Jim Ross, Piano

Scripture Luke 19:1-10

Sermon "Reaching and Teaching the One in the Tree"

Hymn   #2108"O How He Loves You and Me"

Joys & Concerns

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Action Steps

Closing Hymn #2241"The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve"


Postlude "Gloria from 12th Mass" -W. A. Mozart


The flowers on the altar today are given in honor of Dick Minnis' 75th birthday on October 11th by his family.