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Guest Speaker: Sarah Miller
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Skyler & Myla Bland



Prelude  “Quiet Prelude” -  Georges Mac-Master


Call to worship

Leader: This morning we come to worship desiring to live with a child-like faith,
People: Curious to every wondrous mystery, attentive to your every instruction,
Leader: Obedient to your every command, and willing to share with every one of your children.
People: This morning we come to give you thanks, O God, you who are like a loving Mother and Father to us all.

Opening Hymn #102 "Now Thank We All Our God" 

Blessing of the Offering

Children's Sermon 

Music Ministry “A Mother’s Prayer”  -  Carol Bayer Sager

Scripture Ruth 1: 1-18

Sermon "The Communities that Raise Us"

Hymn  #273 "Jesus Hands were Kind Hands"


Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Action Steps

Closing Hymn #369 "Blessed Assurance" 


Postlude  “Rondeau Recessional” - David Laskey


The flowers on the altar today are given by Dawn, Andrew, Julia, Zach & Ira in honor of Rick Muntean's birthday.