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Prelude - Three Variations on "We Adore Thee"- Alexandre Guilmant


*Call to Worship

Leader: They were all gathered in one place…
All: We have learned that stories of resurrection are best witnessed in community.
Leader: From heaven there came the rush of a wind and it filled that place where they were.
All: The wind of the Spirit has been blowing among us. Holy Spirit, you are welcome here!
Leader: Flames appeared and rested upon each of them, as their hearts burned with love.
All: We have witnessed God’s refining fire, changing lives and renewing hope.
Leader: They were speaking different languages, but each could understand the other.
All: Pain, suffering, as well as love and comfort are universal languages.
Leader: Some thought they were filled with new wine.
All: It is possible to feel joy beyond comprehension when just one life is saved, when just one soul transforms.
Leader: But Peter reminded them of the words of the prophet Joel: “I will pour out my spirit on all people!”
All: We believe the Spirit will revive us and we will dream dreams again and envision a better world for all people.
Leader: This is a Word of Hope for the people who long for it.
All: Thanks be to the Living Word.

*Opening Hymn “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” #334 Sung twice

*Opening Prayer

O God, the Holy Spirit, Come to us, and among us;
Come as the wind, and cleanse us;
Come as the fire, and burn;
Come as the dew, and refresh;
Convict, convert, and consecrate 
Many hearts and lives
To our great good And to Your greater glory;
And this we ask in Jesus Christ. Amen.
Confession of Faith: Apostles’ Creed #881

Gloria Patri

Children's Chat

Music Ministry and Offertory - Dove of Peace- Anthony Giamanco

Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude

Scripture Acts 2:1-21

Sermon Series “Resurrection Stories”
Sermon: “Transformed”


Hymn "Spirit of the Living" #393 Sung twice

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn “We Are The Church" #558

Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude - Sortie on "Now Let Us All Rejoice"- Franklin Ashdown

The red geraniums on the altar today are given to the glory of God by the people of Stone UMC on this Pentecost Sunday.

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