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Pastor: Rev. Kendra Balliet
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: "Give Me Jesus"-Arr. John Carter (Jim-Piano)


Prelude - “Largo"- G. F. Handel 

Welcome & Announcements

*Call to Worship

One: Despite hardship, our ancestors dared to dream God-sized dreams.
 Many: Praise God for hope-filled dreams.
One: Do it again, Lord. Dream big dreams through us today!
 Many: Praise God for new dreams for our generation.
One: Invisible God, be visible through our faith today.
 Many: Praise God who empowers us with faith to see what others miss.
One: Will we stop building a better future because of evil?
 Many: No! Our God will deliver us from evil!
One: Will we concede our neighborhoods because evil walks the streets?
 Many: No! God will judge all evildoers!
All: Come now, Lord, and fulfill your dreams in us today!

Opening Hymn "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling" #384

Unison Prayer
Creator God, Holy Gardener who sustains and nurtures all life, open us today to your life-giving grace and transformative love. As we notice our internal struggles, empower us to greet the wheat and the weeds in our own hearts with care and compassion. As we recognize the challenges and suffering in our community, inspire us to meet the weeds and the wheat in our neighbors with acceptance and hope. We know that you alone have the final say, and so we give ourselves over to you as instruments of hospitality and grace that we would tend our neighbors even as we are tended by you. Amen.
Affirmation of Faith - The World Methodist Social Affirmation #886

Gloria Patri #70

Children's Chat

Music Ministry & Offertory

Prayer of Gratitude

Scripture Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Sermon "Space in Which a Good Seed Can Grow"


Hymn "Freely, Freely" #389

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn "Grace Greater Than Our Sin" #365

Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude-“Rondino" on G- Carson Cooman 

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God by Anne Finney and family.

Thank you for sharing in this worship service. Please continue to stay in touch through our website and/or by following us on Facebook. If you have joys or concerns that you would like lifted up in prayer, please fill out the Prayer Card on our website, call the church office and leave a message at 814-724-6736, or email