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Week 5: Power

Suggested Scripture Reading: Mark 10: 25-45


(taken from I want to tell you a story, about sitting by Jesus’ side. They wanted the fame and the glory, so two brothers pulled Him aside. James and John asked Jesus, “Can we sit on your left and your right? Everyone in Heaven will see us, and it will be our biggest delight.”

“Do you even know what you’re asking?” Are you willing to drink from my cup? Can you live the life that I’m living?  From my baptism, could you even come up?”

When the rest of the twelve overheard it, they got angry with John and James. Surely Jesus would see they were unfit, but why did they think He’d choose their names? So He gathered all twelve around Him, And He spoke of what true greatness is. It’s not thrones, crowns, gold or gems, but serving others needs before His. Those who are greatest don’t look it. You would never guess who they are. They may look like a maid or a servant, but in God’s eyes they’re really a star. Jesus came down from Heaven to serve us, to wash our feet and our hearts alike. To teach, help, lead, and love us, and show us what greatness looks like.

Have you ever tried really hard to be near someone who you think is really special because you think it might make you look better? Jesus doesn’t care if we are friends with powerful people or if we are powerful ourselves, He wants us to follow his lead – by serving others, loving others, and being the person, He made you to be.



Dear God, thank you for the power of Jesus. He showed us that no matter who you are, if we serve others above ourselves, we are powerful too. Thank you for the lessons of Jesus in the bible to show us how to be more like Him. Amen. 


Suggested Family Activities

Below you will find a list of activities to complete throughout the week. Pick and choose which activities you’d like to do or try them all! If you’d like to print out the list click on the pdf to download and you can cut them out to make a paper chain as you complete each activity! Feel free to share any pictures of your family completing these activities on our CYF Facebook Page 

  • Make Lenten Pretzels: download recipe below
  • Call or write to a relative who you have not been able to see in a while
  • Pray for teachers and educators
  • Clean your room (or any room in your house) without asking for help
  • Think of a new way you can serve someone in your community this week. (pick up trash, shovel a sidewalk, take cookies to a neighbor, etc.)
  • Give up your favorite food for a whole week

Don’t forget to add a rock to your Lent Place and pray this week for courage and to spread the news of Jesus!