Pastor's Piece...  

Dear Friends… 

In January, I ended my Messenger piece with these words,” Might February find us more gentle, unafraid, and ever so kind”. While I am not sure I am kinder (that would be for others to say), I do know I am more aware of the kindness of others. Writing this the week of the “Big Snow”, I have seen neighbors helping neighbors shovel out driveways, sidewalks and cars. I have heard of get-well cards sent and received. I have received supportive emails and have found many of my shortcomings overlooked. The 204 pair of socks that came in over December have been shared with agencies and services. Great playthings for kids have already come in for our Jared Boxes (to be assembled at the church on March 6th). Our church freezer has been filled with soup, casseroles and cookies for our Care Team launch. The list goes on! Oh, Lord, through your grace, I do believe we are becoming ever so kind! 

Winter will be with us for a while longer, and COVID, too, I am afraid. As we move through this month, looking toward spring, let us pray that March will find us more, gentle, unafraid, and yes, ever so kind”. 

In the Peace, Power and Presence of Christ…Pastor Sarah 


Worship Calendar...

9am in person at Stone                                                                                                                                                                     (And live on Armstrong Cable Channels 23/100 and on Facebook,  

10:30 am at Bethany UMC                                                                                                                                                             (140 Wadsworth Ave)       

February 6 - Communion Sunday    

February 13 - “Souper Bowl” Sunday   

February 20 - Celebration Sunday   

February 27 - Rev. Jane Ellen Nickell preaching


Thank You!...

 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! A heartfelt thanks to: Bell Choir ringers: Edie Grims, Susan Shrock, Erin Means, Jim Ross, Joyce Minnis, Kathleen McArthur, Jen Ashbaugh, Jane Ellen Nickell, Christmas un-decorators: Cindy and John Karns, Joyce Minnis, Jim Turnbull, Pastor Sarah, Marti Mailliard…Marian Beckman and Cyndi Bland for organizing the Jared Box project (and all who have already donated to it)…Darlene Ross and Sue Wardian for attending to end of the year financial reporting…The Fairview/Fairmont Outreach board for being open to an exciting new partnership with the YMCA…All who gave to the Christmas Sock Tree (204 pair to be exact!)…Supporters of our new “Care Team” outreach…To all who give to, pray for, and work with Stone UMC… THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! 



Congratulations to Aaron and Kaylee Lloyd of the birth of their son, Lawk Lloyd on January 17, 2022. 


Care Team...

Do you or someone you know need a little TLC?

We are happy to announce the launch of Stone UMC’s Care Team whose ministry is to coordinate delivery of food to anyone dealing with illness, a death in the family or a crisis of any kind. Donors provide soup, casseroles, bread and cookies to the first floor freezer. These food items can then be picked up and delivered the very day the request is made. For brief instructions as how to make a contribution or a delivery, call the church office at 814-724-6736, email, or go to our website and click on “Care Team”.



Celebrating Good News...

In worship on Sunday February 20th, we will be celebrating the good news and good work brought about by our three-year Capital Campaign. At that time, we will reveal our final numbers and the work already with the gifts given. An in-person celebration is being planned for the spring. Watch for more information!!


Jared Box Mission Extended...

Due to an uprising in Covid cases we have decided to extend our Jared Box mission through the month of February. We will be collecting items through the month of February for a packing party on Sunday, March 6th after worship in Kingsley Hall. You can find a list of items in Thoburn lobby and in the sanctuary or check out our Amazon idea list for ideas on what to purchase for the boxes. Be sure to keep in mind when purchasing items that we are using shoebox size boxes. Donations can be dropped off to the table in the lobby or the table in the back of the sanctuary. After our packing party, the boxes will be delivered to Meadville Medical Center to bring joy to children in the hospital!


Safe Sanctuaries...

Keeping our children, volunteers, and vulnerable adults safe… 

Stone Church is committed to the safety and well-being of all children, vulnerable adults and volunteers. To this end, we actively support the United Methodist Church’s program, “Safe Sanctuaries”. While training is required for all volunteers working with children, we encourage everyone to be familiar with our policies and practices. Please consider attending the next Safe Sanctuaries training, Sunday, February 6th and Sunday, February 20th from 10-11am. You may attend in person or remotely through Zoom. Please contact the church office to connect with our Safe Sanctuary’s coordinator, Leanne Venesky with any questions you may have. 



 February Counter Schedule...

6th    Patty Brown & Lisa Clayton             

13th    Anne Finney & Cindy Karns

20th    Jim Ross & Joyce Minnis                 

27th    Patty Brown & Sue DeArment 


 Free a 27" color television in good working order. Available in Vernon Township near Roche Park. Contact Jim Turnbull @ 814-336-5937 if interested. 


Souper Bowl Sunday...  

 Pre-order your soup for takeout or curbside pickup on   

Sunday, February 13th from 10 - 11.  Taking pre-orders until February 10th.    

Soup choices: Chicken Noodle, Vegetable (no meat), Vegetable Beef, Buffalo Chicken, Broccoli Cheese, Corn Chowder.  (Extra soup will be available for those who do not place pre-orders and will be on a first come first serve basis). 

Chocolate chip cookies offered for dessert – please specify 3 or 6.   Donations accepted that day or through PayPal,, or the church app.  Visit for information. You may also drop off   or mail donations to the church office with the memo “Souper Bowl”.   

This year’s Souper Bowl donations will benefit: 

The Center for Family Services Food Pantry