
Acts 4:32- 5:11
9:00 AM Worship Service

Father's Day

Pastor: Rev. Sarah Roncolato
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Jim Ross, Stone Virtual Choir
Guest Speakers: The Fousts



Organ Prelude Voluntary on Rhosymedre Robert Lind
Welcome and Announcements
Call to Worship The Foust Grandchildren
Hymn “This is my father's world”
Joys and Concerns
Music Ministry “Always be a Child” Jim Ross
Pastoral Prayer
Lord's Prayer
Children's Sermon
Music Ministry “The Lord Is My Salvation” Virtual choir
Scripture Acts 4:32- 5:11
Sermon “Walk the Talk”
Closing Hymn “Take My Life and Let It Be”
Organ Postlude Trumpet Tune in G Martha Sobaje


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