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Story Time: Exodus 5 & Exodus 7-11 & Exodus 12:31 

This story can be a little hard to understand when you read it in the Bible. God sent Moses to Egypt to try to convince Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to let God’s people go. Moses tried really hard to get Pharaoh to change his mind but he didn’t listen to Moses, so Moses told God and God used plagues to show Pharaoh that he was serious and needed to listen! These plagues were things like lots of frogs all over the land and tons of flying bugs all over the place. These plagues were not pleasant or nice which was to help show Pharaoh that it was not nice to keep holding God’s people and he needed to set them free. Finally at the end of the plagues Pharaoh changes his mind and sets God’s people free!  


Things to think about:  

Our God is so powerful! In the bible he used some weird things to show his power, but we don’t need to be afraid because God loves us, and he used those weird things to show us that. Sometimes our life can be a little weird, but God will take care of us, no matter how weird things get!  


Activity/Craft Time: 

  1. Make your own frog puppet.
    Materials: brown paper bag, red, green and white paper, glue stick. Cut out legs, spots, and eyes from the green paper and a long frog tongue from the red paper. Glue it onto the paper bag using this picture à as a guide. Put on a puppet show for your family! 

  2. Family activity idea:
    Go bowling together! There were 10 plagues that God sent to Egypt and when you go bowling there are 10 pins. Pretend the pins are the plagues and the ball is God sending the plagues to Pharaoh to tell him to let his people go! 


Pray Together:

Dear God, You are loving and you are powerful. May we have soft hearts willing to accept your love and power. Amen.